Tuesday, October 13, 2009

97% Adult

Just completed the Epstein-Dumas Test of Adultness (EDTA). My result is that I am 97% adult! :P

I recommend people of all ages take this test and see what their outcome is! More info below:

Your Total "Adultness" Competency Score is 97%

The closer you are to 100 percent, the better. You needn't have mastered all of the separate skill areas in order to be considered an adult, but if your scores are low in one or more areas, people might question your adultness or consider you immature. Your scores in each of the 14 different skill areas are as follows:

Love: 89%
Adults are supposed to know the difference between sex and love. They're supposed to have experienced love, or at least to have some idea about what it means to experience love. They're supposed to know the difference between parental and romantic love, and to know that there are many different ways of expressing love.

Sex: 100%
In theory, adults know a great deal about contraception, homosexuality, how to please a partner, and how to make babies. They're supposed to know that condoms often fail, for example, and that masturbation is common among both males and females (somewhat less so among females).

Leadership: 100%
Adults are supposed to know about leaders and, to some extent, to be able to act as leaders—as leaders of other adults, of children, or at least of pets. They're supposed to know that leaders must sometimes make tough decisions, that leaders are in some sense servants of their followers, and that leaders almost always must report to other leaders higher up a chain of command. Adults are also supposed to be somewhat brave—at least in defending their loved ones or in killing harmless insects—and they're supposed to be able to defend their rights.

Problem Solving: 89%
Adults are supposed to be able to solve a wide variety of problems—financial, work-related, plumbing-related, and personal—and they're supposed to know where to go for help when they need it. They're also supposed to know the difference between right and wrong and to be cognizant of the consequences of their actions. They're supposed to be able to think independently and even to be aware of their own faulty beliefs.

Physical Abilities: 100%
Adults, or at least healthy adults, are supposed to be physically self-sufficient. We make allowances when people are sick or injured. The infirmities of old age are handled variously: when elderly people become weak, incontinent, or otherwise impaired, we often revert to treating them like children, even though, in some sense, we still recognize the elderly as “adults.” In general, adults are supposed to be physically strong, to have intact senses, to be able to climb stairs without assistance, and so on. We expect far less of children.

Verbal and Math Skills: 100%
Adults in our society are supposed to have mastered the proverbial Three R's (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic), and they're supposed to know basic things like the days of the week, the number of days of the year, the number of days in February (even in leap years), the number of hours in a day, and so on.

Interpersonal Skills: 100%
Adults are supposed to know how to converse with, show respect for, forgive, apologize to, get along with, and assist other people. With children, we give basic reminders like “Remember to share,” but adults are supposed to have mastered such lessons in basic civility. Adults are also supposed to be honest in their dealings with other people, and they're supposed to have the good sense to follow the instructions of police officers—in other words to recognize that people play different roles in society.

Handling Responsibility: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to accept blame for their wrongdoing. They're supposed to be able to make commitments and then honor them. When they begin tasks worthy of completion, they're supposed to persist in completing them.

Managing High-Risk Behaviors: 100%
We try to keep children away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, guns, and cars, because, presumably, they'll damage themselves or others if they have access to such things. Adults, on the other hand, are supposed to be ready to handle risky items and activities responsibly. Among other things, they're supposed to know that driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, that the heavier one is the more alcohol one can tolerate without ill effect, that mixing alcohol with certain drugs can be fatal, that smoking can ruin one's health, that the safe use of guns involves considerable skill, that improper use of prescription medication is dangerous, and so on.

Managing Work and Money: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to get and keep jobs. They're supposed to know that it's important to be on time, that “a job worth doing is worth doing well,” that we're supposed to persevere when the going gets tough, and that it's important to prioritize and complete the most important tasks first. Adults are supposed to know how to spend money wisely, how to save, how to invest for the future, how to plan for emergencies, how to manage debts, how to write checks, and how to balance a checkbook.

Education: 89%
Adults are supposed to have obtained at least a basic education, and they're supposed to appreciate the value of education. They're also supposed to know basic education laws—for example, that young people are required to attend school until at least age sixteen or so (depending on one's state of residency).

Personal Care: 89%
Adults, unlike children, are supposed to practice basic hygiene, to comb their hair, to wear clean clothes, and so on. They're also supposed to eat three nutritionally-balanced meals a day, to avoid between-meal snacks, to brush and floss their teeth, to get a good night's sleep, to maintain a healthful weight, and to avoid too much salt or sugar or fat in their diets. They're also supposed to be able to recognize a variety of medical and psychological problems—signs of cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, bipolar disorder, and so on—and to know when and where to get help if they or their loved ones need it.

Self Management: 100%
Adults are supposed to be able to manage their own behavior—to use an alarm clock to make sure they awaken on time, to keep an appointment book to make sure they know why they set their alarm clock, to keep a list of things to do so they know what they're supposed to pick up on the way back from the appointment, and so on. They're also supposed to know basic techniques of “self-control”—counting to ten, for example, as a way of preventing their anger from getting out of hand.

Citizenship: 100%
Finally, adults are supposed to know some basic things about government and about how to be good citizens. They're supposed to register to vote and to participate in elections, to pay taxes, to serve on juries, and so on, and they're supposed to know most basic laws and to obey them.

Friday, October 09, 2009

GI Bill Update

Well, thank goodness the Feds were able to find funding for the Post-911 GI Bill. Although, I still believe that every American should have educational rights, I am thankful that I get them. I did not sign up with the Minnesota National Guard for educational benefits, but now that I am going they are quite convenient!

I get 60% of my tuition paid, and 60% of my books. If I were going more than half-time, I could get a housing stipend that would pretty much cover my rent. Currently, I am only going part-time because I work full-time and have Siah to care for.

At this time, my benefit sheet states I have only 34 months of benefits left after this semester. Yet I remain eligible until January 2021. Therefore, I should consider taking more credits if only to maximize the amount I can receive from this program. And I do not think I will take any summer classes, but focus on Fall/Spring.Therefore, my intended goal for spring semester is to take at least seven credits ( probably nine).

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I just heard on MPR's Futuretense that netbook sales have slowed. The current thoughts are that netbooks are not fast enough for the average consumer and are merely popular in "geekdom." Perhaps I am a geek having just bought my first netbook last Friday to assist in my online summer classes.

My friend Dave recommended I get the EEE PC with a solid state hard drive, which I did. It's only 16GB, but has an SD card slot also for addition memory. No CD or DVD drive, but I have an external CD-RW at home. I also have an external 750GB drive for music and backup storage. A netbook makes better sense than an all-in-one laptop. But it also complements my long-term ability to stay ahead of the curve. Briefly what I have purchased as an e-consumer

1997: My sibling had been given a laptop, but did not know how to maintain it. Therefore I did, and signed up for Juno e-mail and eventually unlimited dialup internet through Pressenter.

1998: Bought a first model E-machine. These were the first desktop PCs sold for less than $500. I also started downloading MP3s and converting some of my music collection

1999: Signed up for free internet through Netzero. Slower than PRessenter, but free.

2000: While living in Saint Cloud, the cable company dropped off equipment to hook up my cable internet, but never installed it. I installed it myself and called the ISP for specific info to do so. Rather complicated to do at the time with Windows 98, but after doing so never received a bill for my broadband while living there. Not sure why, but I never signed any contracts. Still returned their equipment. ( I still found it odd how I could access other people's computers on that service, but it was before firewalls were prevalent

2001: Bough a portable MP3-CD player. Worked out nicely in my car. You can fit between 6-12 hours on one CD, how can you beat driving to Chicago and never hearing the same tune twice?

2004: Started blogging, though still an unpaid amateur. :D

2007: Bought the first Apple that included Intel Duo processors. Started listening to podcasts religiously.

2008: Converted my DVDs to MP4 H.264 format.

2009: First generation netbook. I think these will only get more powerful in the coming years. I doubt I will need to ever buy a laptop that has equivalent power to a desktop. Cannot wait for Apple and/or Google to come out with their own versions. Rumor is they are at least a year or two away from developing one.

So, I am not way ahead of the curve or anything. Just tend to spend a lot of time evaluating what exists out there and seeing if it fits my life at the moment. For instance, I have never owned an Ipod, nor ever plan to. I didn't buy a cell phone until this year, because I am way too busy to NOT have one. But if I ever quit being so active, why would I need one?

My camera was stolen when I left it on a #16 bus going to an election party. I have yet to buy one, but might if I find a good sale later this month. ONLY because I might be taking a lot more photos this summer than typical. Then again, I could save more money by NOT buying one and just borrowing one. Hmm...

Either way, I think more people should become conscious of what electronics they really find useful to their lives and not just collect a bunch of gadgets. Gadget lovers tend to have collections of dust-gathering gadgets that are always being added to. Why make such a mess? For fun? I will have no part of that, though already have a lot of leftover stuff that have been left with me! Anyone need

Monday, May 18, 2009

Workers thrown under Mystic Lake

Harvey Mackay had a good but short article in the Star Tribune regarding Sam Walton's 10 Secrets to Success. Talking to my former co-workers today I realized how few my former employer adheres to. It's not like Wal-Mart is the biggest company in the world for nothing! It would be wise for employers to check out these tips that Sam left.

Speaking to former co-workers, I am thankful for no longer being there. Their "no talking rule" has become even more strictly enforced. Anyone caught speaking to another co-worker is immediately sent home. If it occurs more than 3 times in a 6 month period of time, the employee is terminated.

Another rule being strictly enforced are more changes towards the W2G tax software. It appears they have changed programs and criteria deemed critical to the Federal governent. Any deviation from 100% accuracy is grounds for punishment. Several supervisors have been fired and a few demoted for inaccuracies. Atypical of Mystic slot specialists are not being fired to the extent that supervisors are for this standard.

They are also asking employees to "watch what they say online." Any discussion of the policies I stated above are grounds for termination. Protecting the company from media scrutiny is so strict that they even put in their newsletter "be careful who you add as friends on social networking sites." Seriously? Is this a Minnesotan employer or did their policy board teleport here from Communist China? Sovereign status does not mean you can set fire to the Constitution on a daily basis.

Another myth they claim is that anything you say online stays forever. They make it sound like if you diss them in an online chat, that they will find out. Kinda gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling when your employer is digitally stalking you.

Anyone considering working for the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community better not have a life outside their job. That is, if you wish to keep it. That and you are considered the equivalent to a slave without the ability to speak working at Mystic Lake. If the secondhand smoke doesn't kill you, the lack of social interaction will.

But to be fair, I should include that Minnesota Monthly claims Mystic Lake as one of the state's best employers. The only reason it stated so was that they have a health clinic on site. They conveniently forgot to mention that they get a lot of advertising dollars from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, as well as its owners at Minnesota Public Radio. ( Ever get sick of hearing how "philanthropic" they are with giving out automatic defibrillators? )

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Spoiler argument still not made in US Senate race

I still think it humorous that many before the election would say things like "A vote for Cynthia McKinney is a vote for McCain!" Really? Ted Cross and Chris Candreva of Obama Election Watch sure felt so. So Ted and Chris, please define my vote for me. I thought I voted for McKinney, and Obama won. I feel let down by their expertise on democracy.

Here in Minnesota, I have yet to hear who knows who Dean Barkley "spoiled." Perhaps that is because NO ONE KNOWS who will be our next US Senator. Was it Norm Coleman? Was it Al Franken? Where are all those people who would have derided the Barkley campaign had a winner actually been announced? Dean Barkley may not have been a perfect candidate, but since we do not have NOTA ( none of the above ) on the ballot, he was my next best choice.

The Coleman-Franken ads were some of the worst in Minnesota political history. Their ad hominem campaigns contributed little to raising consciousness of Minnesotans on REAL issues. Dean Barkley was the only positive campaign that did try to change the consciousness of Minnesotans on fiscal sanity, fair trade ( not free trade), opposing the death penalty, energy as a national security issue, etc.

What did anyone learn from Coleman-Franken apart from name calling? Does anyone, apart from hardcore partisans, really feel that they are legitimate to represent our state after their negative campaigning?

Obviously, I believe that Instant Runoff Voting would have helped resolve this situation better. Not only would Minnesota have representation in the US Senate, in addition to Amy Klobuchar, but the negative campaigning would be greatly curtailed. IRV forces candidates to stick to postive messages, and even agree publicly with their opponents on issues. If candidates do this, they can get a #2 or #3 vote and could still win.

Many claim that IRV hurts third parties. Yet 2006 in Burlington, Vermont a Progressive Party member was elected as mayor. In a traditional election, it would have gone to the Democrat.

In Minneapolis, voters are "scared" a Republican could win( even though we have no elected Republicans). In 61B, many voters literally were frightened that a Green was running, because "a Republican could win!" These ignorant voters do not realize that only 5% of their neighbors voted for the GOP candidate, and 30% for the Green. Yet, fear motivates many whereas logic is difficult to adhere to in our culture. IRV eliminates the illogical "fear factor" of voting for a Green or independent.

We need more electoral reform than IRV, like proportional representation or a more digital democracy. But in Minnesota, IRV has the inertia and I think it should be used for statewide elections.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Facebook and the myth of online privacy

As someone who lost his job because I blogged about a Green Party candidate, I think it very funny people think the internet is "private." I attacked a political candidates "privacy" online. Ooohh. Do people really think that they can just gate off their digital information and assume no one else will see it? Okay, you are a moron if you think it is.

Your "privacy" is null and void in the 21st century. Digital devices can take our photos, voices, writings, pretty much every aspect of our lives could find its way online if we choose to do so. To assume nothing "private" will get online is ludicrous.

I consider anything in life bloggable, unless I receive a written, signed, and notarized statement from an individual who wishes not be "discovered" online. Do that with each blogger and Facebook user. I bid you good luck.

Okay, I don't write about everyone, but just send me an e-mail or txt msg if you have an issue with my blog. I have even been blamed for other's comments! And unless I am aware of them, I don't delete them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scam phone calls make me feel warm and fuzzy

I just received ANOTHER scam call from these people at "Warranty Service Center" who claim they are from Orlando, Florida. They called me from 386-427-6893. I do not even OWN a car, why would I want a warranty on one?

The first thing they ask is the make and model of my car. I ask them for their company, but they only give the vague name listed above. They hang up after explaining I do not own a car and would prefer they sold theirs so we can collectively begin to end our oil addiction.

They make a lot of money charging $150 warranty insurance cancellations, and their 90 day waiting policy to file claims.

Their company does not abide by the Do Not Call list. They are fined only $500 per offense, and since few complain, it is a very lucrative niche market. Complain to the FCC directly here: http://esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm

I found their actual number online: 1-888-282-3524 ext. 0 for operator or ext. 4209 for "Tina"
ext. 4207 for "Jessica Decapra"

Their actual address:

Pacific Guard Warranty
25 Crescent Dr
Suite A538
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Year 2008 In Review

Wow, what a crazy year! Seriously, don't know how it just blew me away! Literally....

Family and Friends

  • Josiah turned 6 on August 19th. We had a small party, with only a few of his friends. He's even funnier and smarter than last year. But also more hyper and bold against authority.
  • Josiah finished Kindergarten at Ramsey, started 1st grade there, but couldn't handle 45 minute bus rides to their. So, I had to transfer him to another school. Whatever one was open which was Longfellow. Teachers there have told me, after asking me not to mention their names, that it was a bad school because problem children tended to go there and would adversely influence my child. Yet, Josiah is not able to handle himself on a bus - what makes him so much better?
  • Leah Seelhoff moved to the Winona area with her daughters. Siah and I miss them. She's the only real person I used to talk to on a regular basis and not think I was crazy. :D
  • On my birthday, I rescued a cat who was starving outside and was very friendly. Josiah wanted to call her "Candy Cane" but she is a Calico. She didn't look like a candy cane at all! So, I gave it some thought and a month later re-named her Kanika ( which sounds very similar to candy cane, but it sounds like a princess name). So, I rescued Kanika from starvation, got her shots, and fixed. And I won't de-claw her because that is just wrong. She is now very healthy and happy!
  • My brother Tim moved in with me in January. He stayed until June. After moving to Duluth in October, he came out and SHE is now referred to as Natasa. So, you could say I was my brother's last room-mate. And that I no longer have a brother.
  • I did go to my half-brother, Jerich's birthday, and still have the DVD we made of it. But my conservative father seems to have ex-communcated with me. Perhaps he feels we aren't to his liking.
  • My Mother moved in with me in October. She found a new partner, Kathy, and will be trucking with her at some point in early 2009.

Financial / Emloyment

  • On the last day of April, I was fired for being a political blogger. Yeah, quite illegal. But the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux believe they can trample on their employees Constitutional rights. And they like to be consistent about it. Many of my co-workers were fired this year without written reasons, and were able to get unemployment as well. ( If they applied, which most I have talked to have. ) I have nothing against Native rights. But you fired me because I am a member of the Green Party? Seriously, I think Glyn Crooks has something against Winona LaDuke.
  • Took classes at the Minnesota Workforce Center, and improved my resume which improved my ability to get interviews.
  • Worked temporarily through Cynthia Cook ( never trust these people ) for the John Roberts Company in Coon Rapids. They fired me because I gave them two weeks notice that I couldn't work on a specific Monday. I could work every day after that, but it didn't matter to them. ( I told them when they hired me of this date and they said it was okay!)
  • Even though unemployment was okay, it was stressful filling out dozens of applications and faxing resumes ( occasionally hand delivering). Looking for a job is more than full-time work!
  • I wanted my unemployment to last, so I actually took a job at Blockbuster. It was fun, chatting about mindless movies all day ( most of which I have no intention of seeing ). But the pay was pathetic. And residents of Edina are worse snobs than angry gamblers!
  • I now work downtown, less than 15 minutes from LRT or bus. I am also a member of a unon: SEIU Local 26.

  • My career goal: dietitian. Will dietitians exist if our society collapses? Probably not, but any education will look good on a resume until then. :D
  • I wanted to start college this fall at MCTC. Getting laid off had me post-pone it until January. I intend to go to college even if I have to pay for it myself and move to a smaller place to make it happen.
  • I haven't taken any college classes yet owe over $35,000 in co-signed student loans. I was paying Megan Kyllonen's at $400 a month, until I was laid off. Worried I couldn't get another job if they checked my credit rating, I put $8500 of her loan onto my Discovercard. Bad decision, because now I can't pay any of Brandy Kyllonen's loans, which are in default. I will also not be able to pay on Megan's anymore after the payments catch up in February of 2010 ( I think ). What is most ironic about this situation is that I could have had my college paid for by the National Guard, but Brandy insisted that she go. She's 12 credits shy of graduating with an associates degree in culinary arts.


  • After being laid off, I lost my health insurance. So did Josiah.
  • Within a week of being laid off, I was supposed to have surgery to get teeth removed and then get myself braces. My teeth are very genetically inferior. But without income, or insurance, there was no point in adding $200 a month to my expenses. I canceled my appointments and someday will be able to fix my teeth. ( I already paid for some plaster of my mouth to be made, photos of my teeth at all different angles, a couple consultation appointments. Wish they would have warned me that they would be firing people at random! )
  • Been a vegetarian for seven years now ( in November ) !
  • I did have a health assessment at Mystic Lake in March. I am very healthy! ( and now I don't work where there is second-hand smoke! )

I look forward to 2009 as a better year and one that I can build towards a better future.