Saturday, March 24, 2007

Visited Grandma

My Grandma is not doing quite well lately, having the serious symptom of dementia. She cannot remember things that happened a few minutes prior, like letting her dog out to the back yard.

She is taking medication and has improved dramatically. But she is still not the Grandma I have know most of my life - but becoming more of a shadow.

The photo on the left is of myself, my son Josiah, Grandma Loretta Dougherty, and my mother Carmela. We took it when visiting her in Sandstone. I had realized moments after taking the photo that we were not just four generations, but all first-born. But I do not think this has any significance in my life, nor has it helped me.

The main reason to visit Grandma was to see how she was doing, and disconnect the computer and bring it ot my Mother's. Why my Grandma bought a computer is beyond me, she didn't even use it or know how. But she wanted what everyone else had, until she realized it was just taking up space and let my mother take it. She was even paying for cable internet! ( which we just had canceled ) She has a Dodge Dakota SXT truck in her garage, but can no longer drive due to her vision and memory problems.

Glen Goldsby drove us there, though I have a license - just no car. I was babysitting Kelly so she want along also. We went to the park and had lunch with Grandma. Josiah and Kelly ran to the playground when finished and jumped in the remainder of the snow.

Anyways, my Grandma is having further testing done to find out why she has dementia. This will allow us to all know what is happening and what can be done. Until then it is a mystery, and we can just hope for the best.

I plan to visit her again this august during Sandstone's Quarry Days. Obviously I will end up renting a small-compact hybrid car to get there. The bus prices are ridiculous!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Backstage clip regarding excellent service.

The image is from the March 2007 issue of Backstage. I have had numerous awards from my exemplary customer service.

Worked at Mystic Lake from June 2001 until May of 2008. I would have worked there until they realized I was active in the Green Party. Only tribally approved politics are acceptable to them.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Proud to have marched

Obviously there are many who still find solace in Bush claiming we can still "Win" this war. It would be nice to win, but you have to define what winning is first. Without such criteria, statements about "winning" are empty and unmeasurable.

There are multiple wars being fought in Iraq. The first was to topple Saddam and ended back in 2003. Now we are trying to "help" the Iraqis by being their friendly occupying force. Unfortunately, the many factions in Iraq do not all believe we are on their side. ( whose side are won on anyways?)

I have come to the belief long ago that wars are never winnable. You can only work to mitigate their lethality and destruction. A war is a loss in and of itself.

Most wars throughout history were for imperialistic reasons. I have no doubts that the Neoconservatives believed this war would be easy. That oil would flow freely and that democracy would flourish. Of course, we Americans want to live in a Utopia of a global span. But we have these odd means of doing it known as lethality. And then we wonder why the world sees us as the new Romans.

But I am not truly worried. Every empire falls. The world is becoming multipolar once again, and will become more so once the American economy diminishes in scale. Take the hydrocarbons from America, and you take our might.

For those that think the world will be safer without an American Empire are fooling themselves. There will be more imperialistic and resource wars than ever. What America and Europe should be doing is strengthening the United Nations and upholding Global Values. If we fail at that, as we are now, then expect those like the Chinese and Iranians to uphold their own version of values.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mandazi Sunday

Today was not quite busy, but a typical Sunday. Josiah and I spent the morning together. Had he been acting better we could have gone out to the park longer than we had. But I made him breakfast, but he tried getting into other things in the cupboards when I was in the bathroom.

But I did end up making mandazi. I still haven't been able to make it like it was made for me by Phanice! It isn't nearly as fluffy.....grrr. But Siah still loved them.

Carie Krogen dropped Kelly off today at around 2. Brandy is now unable to watch her Monday,Thursday, and Friday. She is barely getting by in school. And I rarely saw her this last week, apart from last night. I won't go into details, but Brandy is in very bad shape.

Kelly and Siah chomped down on more mandazi while I moved my computer to the first floor. I really didn't want it there, primarily because it was safer in the bedroom. But I "fixed" my external speakers with Gorilla tape, so it is more worthwhile. Besides, now I can listen to podcasts while doing dishes, folding clothes, and watching Siah!

Well, apart from that I got some paperwork done. Then I took the two rascals to the East Phillips Park. The weather is snow melting, so it was quite slushy. But they were able to exert some of their pent up energy on the dry playground equipment.

Then I finished making lentil soup and grilled cheese sandwhiches. I typically make some sort of soup on Sundays. Last week was potato-kidney bean with vegan-style corn bread. Though most of my meals are vegan.

Anywho, relaxing to music and catching up on blogs/computer work! At least I had today off! :)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Why should I own a car?

I have been asked repeatedly by many friends, acquaintances, and family about why I do not own a car. Many think it a necessity in the United States, like drinking water and breathing air. One cannot be truly "American" without owning a car. If true,when oil prices continue to rise and wages do not keep up, the definition of "American" will need to change.

Having successfully lived carfree 4 years, I am unsure how it is necessary to own one. I can walk to any store I need to get to, or take the light rail to Target or Cub if I must. Every type of business I need items from are within a mile of where I live. That leaves getting to work, which thankfully my employer provides.

Dureti asks me all the time "If others who make less than you own cars, why don't you?" It makes sense within a Western mentality, even though she was brought up in Ethiopia. Obviously Africans own cars too, but few can afford to. Just because one can buy a car, doesn't mean one has to.

It is the mentality that Dureti and the West have that understands why the rich spend excessively. "They have money, so why not spend it lavishly?" This is why Al Gore need not conserve, he has money. He can throw money at "offsetting" his luxurious lifestyle, while asking those who cannot afford that to simply live with less. In the eyes of the West, this mentality is acceptable and just.

But what if a billionaire decided to live more simply? Just live as the middle class did in the 80s, and own one car ( not three). There would be one family TV, not one in each room of the house. Perhaps the computer monitor would BE the TV. Maybe a landline phone instead of a cell-phone for each member of the household. Instead of buying a library full of books, they would actually go to the library. And where would these meager savings go? Perhaps they could invest in various ways: for future generations, research, philanthropy, religious institutions, etc.

There is a new book out for the West and its more conservative perspectives on car ownership. How to Live Well Without Owning a Car: Save Money, Breathe Easier, and Get More Mileage Out of Life by Chris Balish. Chris is a TV anchorman and used to be editor for Reader's Digest. He's a pretty mainstream guy, but lives carfree.This book focuses on the financial and social costs of car ownership. Perhaps I will have to get this book for those skeptical of my environmental and ethical beliefs.

As Dureti, Ruth, and other Africans claim,"You will get a car once Phanice gets here." We will see, as I am not dictator when it comes to relationships. I am rather attached to the idea of not owning a car. Perhaps if I am coerced to own one, I will end up working more to pay for one - while rarely using it. I would rather use HourCar or Zipcar, and rent one for a few days than own one.

I was not born in America to be lazy. I want a life of meaning and purpose. I do not want my life here to take away or detract from others currently living or will live in the future. If anyone out there can find a solution to Global Warming and oil depletion that includes a car for all of humanity, please let me know. But just because one can waste resources, doesn't mean one has to.

The affluence America has become accustomed to is immoral and unethical. We have the ability to improve the lives of all future generations, in addition to reducing world population to sane levels. But we are passing by the opportunity so we can buy cheeseburgers in the McDonald's drive-thru 24/7. Each individual is still responsible for their own lives, but we all affect each other collectively. Thus is the karma of mankind.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ordinary day

Today went pretty well. It is as "normal" as any ordinary day for me I suppose.

I work up around 9:30, and decided to skip breakfast and do some quick shopping before Carie brought Josiah and Kelly over. The previous day, Carie had watched Josiah for me because Brandy has evening classes. I typically watch Kelly for Carie on Saturdays and Sundays. But this week I had Monday off because I got in trouble at work. I also watched Kelly today.

Walked to WellsFargo on Franklin Avenue first for the ATM. Wish I had gone to the teller, because I usually get some dollar coins. It seems that there are some problems with the new dollar coins - some are called "godless dollars." The inscription "In god we trust" is missing, as is the mint mark. I want to get one! Maybe tomorrow....


Then I walked to Shabelle, and purchased some phone cards. Friends told me which cards are best for when calling East Africa - specifically Kenya: One, MN, and Giant. I got one called African Princess and the MN. The others were not there. The connection was great on African Princess, and had I hung up before the voice-mail kicked in, I would have had more minutes with Phanice! The MN ( STI ) was okay, but the connection was weaker.

I do not like cards from Alosmart any longer. There connections are poor, and always give you fewer minutes than the site claims. The ones at Speedy Pin that are good - and have amazing connections! Connection fees vary at that site.

But what is crazy is that it is cheaper to purchase international phone cards at stores! You would think there would be some cheap websites out there, but no. Vonage, Dialpad, Skype, and OneSuite all charge over 35 cents a minute or more to call a Kenyan cell phone! I can get them for 12 cents a minute at Shabelle or any store on Cedar Avenue.


Next went to Seward Coop for some food shopping.

Then I went home to call Phanice. She had just got home from work, taken a shower, and a friend was making her dinner. It's always nice to chat with her, no matter when it is! But the STI card cut off. Got the message in Swahili and English that "The mobile subscriber cannot be reached" by a Kenyan woman with a British accent.

So...I went to the library picked up my movie, V forVendetta, and some cds - including Willie Nelson's new reggae album "Countryman."

Walking home from the Franklin library, I saw people waiting for the Mystic bus on Bloomington Avenue. They noticed me too, so I went over to say hi. I decided to stay so I could hop on the bus and say hi to Dureti also. Dureti is working for me today, because she wanted Saturday off. And I do not mind switching my weekends off to help friends out. I didn't chat long, and forgot to ask her about her trip to Miami.

After getting home, I called Phanice to say good-night. It was nearly 11P.M. her time, but she had her dinner and was ready for bed. So I wished her sweet dreams and she wished me a good day.

Siah and Kelly got home and I have watched them most of the day since. I would have taken them outside for more than a short walk, but with the snow melting, it doesn't make sense to have them play in it. They will get all wet or muddy. Not good.

So indoor games like Hi Ho Cherrio and other such funness were inevitable.

I am actually getting tired of watching Kelly for the sole fact that Carie is getting exasperated about Brandy. Brandy will no longer watch Kelly, and I get to hear about it. Carie is lucky I came through for her this week. Next week will be another story. I work Monday and Thursday, in addition to Friday. Saturday and Sunday should be okay - as long as I do not have to watch Kelly overnight ( meaning mornings too). That way Siah and I can do shopping, errands - even go to the Clouds in Water Zen Center - without Kelly.

Anywho, it is getting late. 12:30AM Friday. Carie is here soon to pick Kelly up. Gonna call it a night.

Last thoughts: Would Al Gore really be okay not having a car and walking as much as I do? Maybe he can offset more of his carbon usage by paying people to live without a car and eat less meat. But can you offset gaining weight or is that called liposuction? :P