Sunday, April 15, 2007

Transit rally at the State Capitol

It was less than an hour before my planned trip to Saint Paul when Brandy called. Josiah would have to come with me. That is fine, but I could not be as present at the rally with him there. Nor could I find my friend Mason as easily either. But it went okay.

I did see another comrade of mine who deployed with A co 1-194AR to Iraq: SPC Hanson. It was interesting to see him at the rally, seeing he was from the Brainerd area. But the entire state wants to see more roads and transit built.

Josiah was able to take a tour of the capitol. He also found a dog to pet and play with before we left the rally - early. But I am still glad to have been able to show my support for transportation. If only our Governor Pawlenty shared the same vision - for this century and not the next.

While I held a sign for the already built and quite effective Hiawatha line, other lines need to be built. The line that I think shows quite some promise in the near future is the Bottineau route. Currently BRT is being touted, but LRT would be much more effective in this working class area of the Twin Cities.

The Bottineau Partnership states: " BRT generally fails to attract the “non-transit-dependent” rider at the same scale as LRT. These riders will park and ride to an LRT station, but shun BRT" It is quite wise that Bottineau be considerd for LRT.

LRT would attract far more riders and be a true alternative to car driving. This should be a goal of any transit route and system. I would like to see more of Minnesota become a part of transit. Rail should connect from the Twin Cities to Duluth, Saint Cloud, Rochester, and Winona.

AMTRAK already does this, but its hours of operations are sketchy, and its system needs a major reform. AMTRAK is a national system that should focus on long-range travel. Perhaps it should skip cities that have local transit and focus on larger cities to improve travel times. Either way, faster forms of rail travel should be explored in America as oil prices continue skyward.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Volunteering for SISTER'S CAMELOT

1) Sister's Camelot

The photo at least if a part of the Sister's Camelot Bus. This bus is what one looks for in south Minneapolis if they want free organic food. Today, I volunteered to assist them in their magical duties.

Leah ( a neighbor at the Pumpkin Palace ) and I went to their location at 36th and Chicago at 9:45. It seems their website it out of sync with their true volunteer times - as no one was there until 10:30AM. No big deal, we chilled out and waited. We met Tracy and the infamous Eric the bus driver.

We first drove to the warehouses. Both are the Twin Cities largest provider of organic foods. One is Co-op Partners Warehouse, then to the ( ? ) warehouse which is quite larger.

The first beneficiary of our newfound foods was The Jackpine. They are another collective that is essentially a meeting place where activists can organize. They are located at 2815 East Lake Street and open 7 days a week.

Our next stop was 1st and Lake Street - right next to McDonald's. I wish I had my camera because it was quite humorous. Here we are giving out organic vegetarian food next to a corporation that sells empty calories and meat. Can things have been any weirder? But that is just how it was - very memorable if you ask me!

Anywho, that went quite quickly - though I did not get home until about 3pm. But I got a box of free organic foods - which I gave most away to neighbors. After all, I can't make it to the neighbors meetings so I might as well support them. It is also worth pointing out that the founder of Sister's Camelot lived in the Pumpkin Palace when he started it.

I made myself lentil soup for dinner. Yumminess.

Then at 6 I went to a Somali store and bought another phone card - TC Express is what all the Oromos are raving about for calling Nairobi. So I will call Phanice using it this weekend.

Then onto the Carlson School of Business for the SC meeting....

2) Green Party Steering Committee Meeting

The meeting went very well. It is interesting that the Minnesota Greens are still very interested in having the GPUS convention in Minneapolis for 2008. This will most likely occur before the Republicans, but there are no guarantees with the Greens. The Global Greens will have their 2008 convention in Nairobi. Phanice should be in Minnesota before next year May, so she will have to miss it. ( though never proclaimed to be a Green, she holds similiar values )

Anywho, I am just glad that we got a lot accomplished and look forward to our next meeting in May. I am certainly optimistic about the Anti-Racism Training we have scheduled for the 20th. Though I am still reluctant to call the Green Party Meetup any sort of "success" until more show up to them. So always more to work on and strive for. But am upbeat about current successes.