Friday, June 22, 2007

Black Candle with Brandy

I went to see this with Brandy. It was excellent, and the first showing of anything at the Ritz Theater is years! Very fortunate to have been a part of such a momentous event! I loved this, though it is still very difficult to acknowledge how much women have to achieve in this world to gain equality.

Brandy and I really needed to get out more at this point. She had just spent several months in Costa Rica. We were moving to from Stevens Square/Whittier to East Phillips. It was a busy time! But I cannot miss out on events such as this.

Always eager to see more plays and dances!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Picking up the neighborhood

Well it's early Summer/late Spring and Josiah wants to go out and pick up the street trash each day! He's the "Garbage Man!"

I am collecting all sorts of 'points' from various promotions such as Coke Rewards, Taco Bell, Pepsi, etcetera. Turns out these might be a bit of an incentive to pick up the block as well! I would hope others through Minneapolis do the same, we'd have a cleaner city and take advantage of free points!

But nonetheless I have been getting involved in the garden lately also. Joined the 17th Avenue Garden steering committee and will be vice-chair, with Brad Pass as chair. So far so good, though plans for my garden are going well.

Lynne has a "double-dig" method that takes a lot of time, but has the potential to reduce weeding. I have completed my plot and Sarah Skarhus's and a couple others - such as the Children's plot.

Either way should be a fun summer on the block. Siah seems to be enjoying his chosen career! :)