Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Why I might stay in...

Okay, I have been asked why I might stay in the Minnesota National Guard. I do have issues with being in it - mainly the fact I cannot be with my family - who need me. The fact is - I have 2 YEARS of Individual Ready Reserve left from my initial contract. So I could end up back in Iraq anytime between now and May of 2008. Yes they could wait until spring of 2008 and spring upon me a deployment until around 2009.
So - I could be in until 2009. Since my active reserve is up in May - I could get a bonus for re-enlisting. In fact - if I sign up in Iraq it will be "tax free" ( AKA no taxes except 15% on Social Security).  The bonus for 3 years could be $13,000 -- $10K from the Feds and $3K from Minnesota. No one on our FOB seems to know what the bonus is - nor does anyone have the new fiscal year re-enlistment paperwork yet.
So the issue is - why go back to Iraq with no bonus when I can get one and still the get a second tour of Iraq? They aren't really sneaking another year out of me - they already have me. I could choose to be deployed with Minnesotans for a bonus - or I can go with a bunch of people who have quit the military and will be rather "pissed off" having to deploy again. Hmm - sounds like I will go with the happier Minnesotans as long as I get a decent bonus.
I plan to buy a home when I get back to. I am looking at anything affordable - shocked at how little townhomes have appreciated. ( and how many are available  - not always a good sign).  I am looking for a place with a decent location and large enough to house my family and one extra room. ( AKA a 3 bedroom would be a plus). 
I am rather tired of renting. It has served its purpose - but now my credit rating is good, interest rates are good - and I have some money saved. If I get an ARMY bonus - that is just that much more I can use to ensure financial stability for my family.
I have also found a National Guard unit in Brooklyn Park. Unfortunately it is doing a job that I have been doing most of my deployment time - sitting at a radio!! Yeah - that would be my official military job - not just one I am assigned to for deployments. I would be rather bored - but at least I could read a few books. :) 
But if I stay in it should go a lot smoother than while I have been here.
Anyone else care to give any other arguments? ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have it planned out... the only questions I have are: if you reenlist, will they be able to send you over twice (once right after you reenlist and once more right at the end of your time)? And will you have to go back to Iraq right away in May, or will you have the 6 months with your family first? The other thing to take into consideration is the bonus itself...how is it distributed and is it really tax free or do you have to claim it on your taxes at the end of the year, it's just not taken out when you get the money (if it's income--not considered tax free income--it WILL come out of your income later)?

If those come out with positive answers, you might want to go with it.

Kevin C said...

If I re-enlist in Iraq - I get the money income-tax-free for both state and Federal. I already have this tax status in Iraq. It will be tax-exempt income on my tax forms. Otherwise why would they make all of us soldiers pay in when we get back from leave? ( you KNOW the press would eat up on the Pentagon screwing over 100s of thousands of soldiers - this is not happening)

I would get $10,500 for 3 years. I would be deployed again within 1 year of returning to Minnesota if I re-enlist. If I go for 6 years I get a $20,000 bonus - and get deployed at least twice.

The ARMY has a 1 in 3 years deployment program in effect. It might be more but this is the current ratio.

I have decided NOT to re-enlist and face deployment as soon as next June. But I am sure it will not be until towards the end of my IRR - and they will keep me for the maximum of 2 years ( I foresee more recruitment shortfalls which may force this).

Since I will be IRR no one really cares about how long I am in unless it affects the bottom line negatively. If I am deployed for over 2 years I get a LOT more money - so that is the maximum deployment I will face while in IRR.

I know of the 2 years maximum because they have sent people home here who stayed from the last rotation. In FACT there are some people in my company who are VOLUNTEERING to stay in Iraq. I am not one of them.