Thursday, October 20, 2005

Bongos and Hescoes (part 2)

Today I will discuss bongo trucks. They are quite popular all over the world - except for Europe and the United States. They are cheap and can haul many things. In the Diyala Province of Iraq - they like to haul watermelons. Iraq has many industries but specializes in Oil and growing watermelons.

During the summers, it is quite humorous to watch the highway and see many bongo trucks overfilled with watermelons heading to Baghdad. The ones heading north are empty. Baghdadians L<3VE them some watermelons!

I happen to enjoy them myself! I have also had fresh grapes grown right off the Tigris River. Yummilicious! They are just fine non-refrigerated!

Well I have this plan that deals with Hescos and bongos. I plan to buy them both for when I get home. Then I will put the Hesco in the back of my bongo. I will grow a big unspecified Weed plant and smoke some herb just dried from my special plant. I think that is about as sustainable as you can get!

Okay, mayhaps not - but I can imagine someone doing it at some point! Thas the image I came up with after only being in Iraq for one month - too bad I am not artist with Adobe Photoshop. Otherwise I'd make it myself somehow - or I'd make an interesting artistic impression.

Any other thoughts on Hescos and Bongos? ;)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So do you smoke the Buddha or do you practice Buddha?