Saturday, August 19, 2006

Peace and Justice Gardeners

Josiah's Birthday today!

But the day started out with us going to the Fifth Annual Parade of Gardens at the East Phillips Community Garden ( which we have a plot, that Brandy and I have been unable to adequately maintain. Brandy couldn't find the key to use the garden tools, which I found a few weeks later )

Lynne Mayo is founder of the Peace and Justice Organic Gardeners group, and had her own table at the garden. I rent from Lynne, but also am a part of her group. Her table was set apart from the rest of the East Phillips ( maybe Organic ) Gardeners, and she strived to inform visitors about her vision for permaculture in the community.

There seems to be some major issues between Lynne Mayo and Linda Pass( of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition). I won't detail the Fiskars grant , but a couple days prior Lynne's burdock was torn down.

Therefore Lynne, was rather ecstatic that I could volunteer with Josiah and ended up having some fun with the neighbor kids while there. Twas a fun time, though few truly showed up to the garden itself. That is okay, as I am sure we will find other community outreach opportunities in the future.

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