Sunday, December 17, 2006

Nother day with Siah/Kelly

It seems that Carie was unable to find her boyfriend today. Sometimes people disappear, but I don't know what I would do if Brandy were unable to watch Josiah for long periods of time. ( she has threatened to, even made me stay home a day from work last January because she was stressed out over watching him)

Well, things went fine. Overall, another slow day for me. Just cleaning around the house and organizing. As well as catch-up time blogging/writing - when they are getting along.

Anywho, Brandy was home for dinner which was bean/potato soup with cornbread. Twas very good!

Apart from that, found some CDs with photos from Iraq. I looked up the PMOI and they are still involved in their form of activism as usual. Anywho, nobody cares about Maryam Rajavi or the PMOI, but their own nations in relation to Iran.

I also did a google of Brandy's name and found that the state of Minnesota owes her a little over $100! Crazy, but at least we in Minnesota keep track of such things.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you, Brandy, and Siah :)

Anonymous said...

Down with the Mullahs! They are evil....