Monday, November 14, 2005

Political Platform vs. My beliefs

I think this rather interesting. I support Greens first - then Repubs, then Dems. Suppose thas why I vote for them then - huh? But it all depends on the candidate really. Not all candidates follow their party platform or are strong enough leaders.

To find out their platforms go here:

Green Party



Libertarian Party

I am very little Libertarian at all, as they seem to dislike all government. They would rather gripe about the government than allow citizens to actually govern themselves. If you disagree try meeting them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a little confused. You state "I think this rather interesting" yet you leave the reader nothing to refer to what exactly is interesting. then you go on to talk about politcal platform.. THe title states "Political Platform vs. My beliefs". I guess it just seems imcomplete the "vs." is really lacking.