Friday, November 04, 2005

Fun With Hedgehogs

There are SO MANY hedgehogs in Iraq! I love them! They are like little creatures that eat insects - well actually - THEY ARE!
But let us not forget that we cannot take these lovable creatures back to the United States. Therefore we must have as much fun with them while in Iraq as possible! We cuddle with them, take them home and feed them the flies we catch! We make them our mascot and name our squads after them!

Yes, hedgehogs are amazing creatures! They are like hamsters with spikes!!

I think we need them in the United States ! A creatures unafraid to prance around human beings and yet still be "Wild!" Viva la hedgehogs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is just not fair. You get to have all the fun over. Can't you sneek one in your bags for me.