Thursday, November 10, 2005

I hate KBR and AT & T - profit is their only aim

There is a lot of misleading information about businesses that supposedly "Support the Troops." They do so solely to make the bottom line. Case in point: AT&T. While in Kuwait I paid 30 cents a MINUTE to call the United States. If I used a payphone in the USA I would lose out on 17 minutes of call time - per call even if I only reached voice-mail.

In Iraq using Segovia I pay 4 cents a minute. If I go to an AT&T Call Center in Anaconda I will pay 45 cents a minute. Hmm... where am I going to make my calls from? But AT&T likes to make "deals" with FOBs. They will give them computers, etcetera and build and man the phone centers themselves IF you switch to their service. Get a few toys, screw the soldiers - make the bottom line.

KBR does the same thing. They provide us food - manufactured, bland and barely nutritious. Many of my comrades have suffered from diarrhea this year - according to the medics this is due to lack of fiber in our foods. Most KBR grains are highly refined white-bread and consist of very little whole grains. I get most of my whole grains through General Mills cereals - only because this Minnesotan corporation has a sense of culinary morals AND a military contract.

Most our foods are also fried in transfats known as hydrogenated oils. Most of our breads are made with these ingredients to - which cause skinny people like myself to find their veins filled with the hardened grease. I limit my intake - which means eating few carbs and more fruits/veggies - which taste frozen if they have much taste at all.

I know America has many things on its mind than such issues, but we truly do need to value nutrition more. Nasty products like trans-fats are not food, but manufactured material sold as food.

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