Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good time to be a Minnesotan!

Okay, I am not going to go on about Sesquicentennials or anything. I would prefer to discuss more positive things like Atmosphere coming out with a killer album and Jesse Ventura with another book.

Atmosphere's new album is the most eclectic and ambitious album they have put out yet! Not to put down any of their previous work, because it is all superb. But this album, if listened to in full, seems to hold onto an element of the previous track quite well. And rather than soul-less MP3 tracks buy the actual album! The artwork, story,extra DVD, and lyrics are a nice bonus! I almost FEEL like I stole these extras paying what I did! Worth much more - but ya gotta entice buyers! ( So get one already! )

Jesse's book is excellent in that it is truth. And my life in East Phillips would be very different had he not been Governor. Would we have light-rail? Probably still be talking about building the first line. And Governor Pawlenty was against light-rail until it proved popular. The "train to nowhere" statements were just utterly wrong. And Representative Sviggum's statements in Jesse's book speaks volumes about the current state of the Republican Party.

The CIA chase in Cuba, the CIA in Minnesota, the CIA just about everywhere. Aren't they a bit paranoid of Jesse and the anti-two party sentiment in America? But the CIA is meant to cement the current power, not stand up to it. And Jesse remains a steadfast threat to this system.

My only complaint about Jesse's book is that you can't read it through all at once. Each chapter begins with his a linear experience of him and his wife in Mexico, but then cuts into his experiences prior to and during his Governorship of Minnesota. Reading about these political moments can get true Patriots outraged - only start reading the next chapter in Mexico again. So I recommend reading one chapter a day and reflect on it until the next chapter.

The clip I am including on my post was heavily enjoyed by those on break when it appeared live on CNN. It was almost like Jesse was back in office! And I'd prefer him over Coleman or Franken!

I am taking my copy of this excellent book to the MOA tomorrow to get it signed. And I will be getting their on LRT that wouldn't have been built without him. Heck, the entire Twin Cities transit system would have been gutted by now without it. We wouldn't even have a transit sales tax in ANY county. I would be contemplating a move to Portland instead of staying in Minnesota - and am glad I don't have to consider that. I like it here!

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