Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Day 2 with Siah

Today we went to Target and Seward Coop.

But we also went to Minnehaha Park and the nearby Dairy Queen. Matt and Anne took many photos of the beautiful frozen waterfall - in front , above, behind, and below. It is amazing how blue frozen water can look like. I thoroughly enjoyed just seeing the outside - yet the photos they took are amazing. I plan to post some here once I get them from their camera. ;)

From 7 to 9 PM I also volunteered with the SSCO Block Patrol. I plan to at least spend 2 hours a month while Brandy is gone with them. I would like to spend even more this summer - but have no idea whether this will happen or not. I truly do not even know if I will continue living here or not. I would think that a wise thing to do until something better comes up - but we will see.

I did find it rather interesting those who wait for buses that come - and go and still are at the stop. Yet that is the only bus that goes by that stop. They see us then scatter. Drug dealers obviously. Other areas we just sit and watch for a while and they just scatter after a bit. I mean - we do not have to do a whole lot. The neighborhood knows who we are. They know we write down what we see , carry cell-phones, and work with the Minneapolis Police Department.

Right when we were about to go into the Police Substation ( the Block Patrol HQ ) we run into my acquaintance "Delan" or "Dealin." ( whichever the case may be) He not only said 'Hi' but informed us of some yellow house on the corner of 5th Avenue that is a Meth hot-spot. Kinda scary, and we wrote it in our report.

He also stated that this one short black guy was dealing a lot of meth in the area. This guy is one who we ran into previously at 19th Street and 3rd Avenue - by the corner store. He even told us to "clean up the crap in the area." This all while he is walking away with 3 others after a discussion about some people being "no shows."

All I know is that whatever loopholes are still available to those making Meth must be shut. Minnesota can't be the only state preventing sale of useless cough medicine ( used to make Meth). I agree with Senator Steve Kelley who said this morning on MPR that we need to focus more on Meth than illegal immigrants.

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