Sunday, December 14, 2008

GI BIll Red Tape

Now that I actually have time to myself, beyond when Josiah is asleep, I thought it would be excellent to continue my education. But it appears that the much touted Post 9-11 GI Bill is nonexistent. Everyone assumes that Iraq War veterans get free college and health-care. That's why I have had no health- insurance since being laid off in May, and now I am about to apply for the GI Bill and get this message:

The Department of Veterans Affairs is currently NOT accepting applications for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Information will be posted on our website as it becomes available.

So, I have been asked by the VA to subscribe to an e-mail notification process, where I will be told when I can apply for the Post 9-11 GI Bill that I already qualify for. Oh, and the notification itself has an expiration of 90 days. Democrats and Republicans united to support the troops, huh? Or is that only if we re-up?

So, fortunately there is an ALISS grant to pay for my first class. Those who I assisted getting into college by co-signing for them have ruined my credit, so I have to pay-as-I-go until the VA can actually do what was promised. In January, perhaps the FAFSA will turn out to be productive. Until then, wish me luck!

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