Saturday, November 25, 2006

Incident with a few neighbors

I had an incident with some people at a town-home behind my residence. I do not know the details of how the town-home association resolves this situation, but I was assured that it would be resolved. But I am aware that they had some people living there that should not have been, and hope that the more responsible elements of the family were not punished for trying to help relatives out.

I am thankful that I do not have to leave my home in fear of some sort of physical attack. I have never felt that until this incident during my entire residency in Minneapolis. There are times when I may see an individual that I am wary of ( especially when I lived in Stevens Square ) but this rarely happens.

I think the best way to learn about an area that you live, especially one with a negative stigma like Phillips, you have to actually be engaged in it. You spend time outside at the park just sitting or reading a book. You go to neighborhood events, and you walk to the corner stores. You start to get a sense of "normal" in where you live and notice when something seems out of the ordinary.

I would like to thank the town-home association and the City of Lakes Community Land Trust for their work on this.


Anonymous said...

It can be a sad reality to see that racism is still an aspect that plagues our society. While I have not received as harsh attention I have noticed more simple things such as looks and certain mannerism and treatment. It is very sad to see even such things as that. Lets just hope and pray that it changes sooner then later.

Kevin C said...

This problem was resolved already. CLCLT and Habtitat and the town-home association all worked together to make it happen. I am thankful that they were able to, because I cannot stand living somewhere where I feel unwelcome.

I think that they had people live there who were not supposed to. I am not sure if the same family lives there or not because maybe half of those in the town-homes participate in community events and gardening.